The Beauty Of Cosplay

Cosplay is a type of performance art where the actors and actresses put on their cosplay costume and act out their part. Cosplay is supposed to have originated in Japan when Nobuyuki Takahashi used the word for the first time in about 1983. The characters for cosplay costume are usually drawn from Japanese comics, video games, manga, and anime and now there is also a cosplay costume for American comic characters. Many cosplay artistes choose characters who are similar to them in style and mannerisms and who they may admire and feel comfortable in relating to.

The cosplay costume is very specific. It is the exact replica of the costume worn by the character. The colours of the cosplay costume are matched and so are the trimmings. It is not only the cosplay costume that is identical, even the mannerisms and body language of the character need to be portrayed. Some believe that the cosplay costume and mannerisms alone are not enough and go to the extreme of learning to talk like the character. Even the differently coloured and styled hair wig is considered as part of the cosplay costume.

Themes like Halloween and Mardi gras are annual events and the costumes involved are not specific to a character but revolves round the theme. However cosplay is a hobby and is treated with more importance. The cosplay artiste has to have a cosplay costume identical – not similar- to that of the character because the character is brought to life through him or her.

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