Mile High Club Fantasy Cosplay

Mile High Club Stewardess Deluxe Costume - This costume includes Gold trim mile high club stewardess dress, hat, scarf, belt and thigh high.

30,000 Feet in the Air

Don’t get the wrong idea, Pilots are still worth the extra mile while altitude is also important to achieve safe maximum output and optimal tabulating conditions... 

Alluring Airline Stewardess mile high club costume collection, and it is always a crowd-pleaser. Take flight in style with this alluring airline stewardess costume.

Featuring a form-fitting dress and a hat that exudes sophistication, this outfit is perfect for those who want to play out their mile-high fantasies.

Mile High Club Roleplay Costume Ideas

Break a leg the wind is about to get heavy here. It's all about striking the right balance. We don't foresee any lateral risks of interference in activities. The creative cosplay possibilities are endless. 

The Mile High Club is also popular subject for and selection for Halloween party goers. Mr. Mile High Costume is by far a popular selection for commuters. Designated for international flights, this lightweight, wrinkle free, convert and compact has had the potential to reach the moon after few rubs for luck. 

Limitless Roleplay Options

  • Flight attendant and passenger: This is a classic duo costume that is always fun.
  • Pilot and stewardess: This is another classic duo costume that is always popular.
  • Airplane food: This is a fun and creative costume that is perfect for couples or groups.
  • Airplane window: This is a unique and eye-catching costume that is perfect for Halloween.
  • Airplane engine: This is a fun and energetic costume that is perfect for Halloween parties.
 Plan an unforgettable night no matter what costume you choose, the mile high club costume collection is a popular roleplay subject and cosplay top rated for Halloween costumes, so there are endless possibilities.

Military Fantasy Roleplay